The fact that you and I recognize, connect and for some, idolize logos of big brands wether national or multinational isn’t all there’s is to the value of the logo.
The value of the logo of a big brand that you and I enjoy and experience is as a result of the external communications of the business, which takes the form of; marketing, branding, advertising, PR and a host of other public facing functions. All these are on one hand. The other hand is the internal, and it is just as powerful. It is the side that inspires, motivates, keeps the loyalty and pride of the worker.
Hence, as you and I enjoy the quality of the product or service from big brands, the workers enjoy a fulfillment of a different kind. This fulfillment has premium place in the logo. The 4 things workers of big brands enjoy from their company logo are:
1. Pride.
Workers of big brands, global or in your home country, feel a great sense of pride. The uniqueness, custom crafting and special care or attention to its use accentuates this feeling in their heart. Often times, they are so proud to wear a physical product made of the company’s logo.
2. Dignity Of Labour.
They feel part and parcel of a big thing; part of a great vision in motion – VIM. The logo of big brands are made in consonance to the vital ideals of the business, as such the logo is there to remind workers often times of this.
3. Personal Satisfaction.
Workers of big brands are themselves aware of the publics instant recognition of their company’s logo. This gives them a sort of self worth to be workers in the company.
4. Reach And Respect.
Workers of big brands can enjoy a measure of preferential access to communities, countries and regions and respect within same, on the sighting of their logo carrying identity cards for instance. The penetrative impact of the logo of big brands; having cut across communities, countries or regions, gives the company an endearing ability to command reach and respect that the workers also enjoy.
Start ups or growing companies should learn and aspire to give their human capital this non monetary or incentive driven motivation. No company can grow or attain real success without its people. Big brands even right from their infancy understand the importance of a good logo with regards to its impact on their human capital. This is why they ensure that their logo is of the best quality and made by identity specialists who understand the need for the logo to have an all encompassing ability to deliver value both externally and internally for a very long time.
Written by Dayo Abiola, Chief Design Officer, Dayo Abiola – a logo making company.