The title of my write up is my personal watchword and tagline.
Unknown to many people the life of an Artist is pretty expensive. Every single material costs money and it’s not the kind of expenditure meant for fancy or show-off, artist don’t have time for that. More so, I had to be accountable, I was 17 and under strict daddy supervision.
If you patronize the elitist space of Art, you’d know that every work is judged by a number of things, the result of which adds to the value of the work. So there’s little room for error or the failure to uphold principles much as it’s a flexible domain that allows for creative rebellion.
In other words, every attempt on a canvass by any artist begins with a sense of anxiety, even for the masters. It’s a mixed feeling that rushes through the veins, all for the sake of achieving a masterpiece.
Fast forward many years after, I still feel this anxiety, only this time, it’s on my computer. Guess what? The clear white space of my graphics software is also called a canvas.
To make a logo and to wear the cap of Nigeria’s foremost, comes with a huge responsibility for the premium I charge. It’s a self induced strict supervision to be accountable, to uphold principles and to deliver value, all for one aim, the attainment of a masterpiece. Every single one of my client’s deserve a logo that’s a masterpiece.
“Expect Success Always” is my personal spark of motivation. I have to tell myself this before the work begins. A number of graphics guys that copy me, think it’s just a statement of mere coinage. No! It’s even beyond a philosophy. It’s the opium I need.
If you still think this attribute is peculiar to me, let me tell you a little ‘something’. Walt Disney uses “Keep moving forward”. He was a man of many tragic beginnings before success. The founders of Nike, say “Just do it.” How else will you have expected two University academics to have pulled off a sports kit, apparel and equipment brand? And the list goes on. I have learned the benefits of these kind of statements to any business. I have shown many why they need it and how to achieve it.