The ultimate goal in any human endeavor is success. From as far back as recorded history, royalty and nobility created symbols with which they could easily establish their power and influence. Merchants and business people soon jumped on the trend. In their case; it was to validate originality, integrity, superiority, reputation and ensure the instant recognition of their product or services from others. Such symbol marked their success. In modern times, such a symbol is called a logo.
I was in search of a way to symbolize my brands only core value, in the hope that it will be the first in the world to ever do so. Success is my brands only core value. It is the value and feeling I want to provide to every client that will experience our service delivery and personality. This required me to go beyond the normal, seek and think beyond the ordinary.
According to Dayo Abiola, “I had been researching for months, looking at everywhere possible where I could find or be impressed upon with the idea of success, for symbolic purpose – I wanted to symbolize success. The moment came. And it was on a cold December morning”. I discovered from the practice of clairvoyance (parapsychology) popularly called fortune telling that when the symbol of a circle with an oval shape inside is sighted on a persons palm, it means Success.
It is truism that success is made. To truly own the symbol I decided to create my own version, based on my belief and intended brand system. “I believe true success; the kind that impacts – is interactive, like a two-way communication intended to make things happen for oneself and others. I’m a very firm believer in everyone’s ability to succeed. So have you recently started your own business or you’re taking your company through a process
of renewed thinking? Congratulations on taking this big step. It’s best to have a symbol represent and identify your business for success from now on.