“Come now, and let us reason together”. I’ve always been baffled by why the Almighty and infinite intelligence will make such a statement. I mean, what does a human have to say that should require listening ears. Especially to an entity that’s overwhelmingly marked with errors for the guarantee of a clean slate.
Einstein for instance concluded that even the best of minds only used less than 10% of their cerebral power. And believe me, most of such minds aren’t even scientists, rather they’re philosophers.
According to many written texts about philosophers; beyond being great thinkers, they were superior listeners. If you didn’t know; philosophers helped shape the world intellectually. They’d have been no renaissance or modernity were it not for philosophers. I’m telling you of guys who talked about the Earth being flat, to later agreeing that it’s spherical well before any human ventured into outer space.
The ability to harness thought becomes the ability to reason, which is directly proportionate to the extent of listening. A modern-day example of a great business leader with a superior ability to listen was Steve Jobs. He thought up the future with his team before it even came and together made it happen through Apple products like the iPod. The iPod was the uterus through which music, as we access it today, was conceived and eventually birthed.
All of our clients are listeners. I have observed that it is the behaviour of the truly wealthy, both of substance and mind. You cannot want to own a great logo; indeed a company’s most vital visual asset and not listen to what a specialist has to say. And for that matter, real wealth has always been in the hands of men and women of vision. They listen to learn and to ask the questions that matter or listen to be convinced they’ve found the right person, agency or team for their vision. You will never catch them on the playing field of jettisoning their opportunity to listen. Take time to listen this week. There’s power in it.