As I watched again the moment Bukayo Saka stepped up to the Italian goalie, I was reminded of David and Goliath. Bukayo Saka stood courageously at just 19 in front of a giant, more experienced and much older goalie. David was 17 when he stood in front of Goliath. According to account, David uttered prayer like words that raised the bar of his potential for success. “That’s why we pray”.
I don’t know if Saka did like David as he stepped up to the task but I commend his courage of taking on the enormous responsibility, which shares similarity to how we take the responsibility of handling a client brief.
With every client brief, abstraction is the only point of departure. It’s like bringing out something out of nothing. Hence using our well trained approach, things we keep in mind are:
1. The logo must be a masterpiece that’s trademark-able.
2. One we can be proud to put our name on as an original work of intellect.
3. A logo that packs with meaning that’s inspiring and motivating for the founder(s) or management. And
4. A logo that stands out for the public to easily recognize.
That’s why we pray.
To achieve all the ends I stated above; per logo, per client brief, we always start by praying to the greatest creator of ALL Time.