Like the discovery of a comet, the uniqueness of this mirror is that it only occurs once every 11 years.
A little back story.
We discovered this mystery for the first time on the 27th of October, 2010. Unprepared at that time, we couldn’t use the “miracle” of its occurrence. Now, exactly 11 years after, we have good reason to say “Mirror, mirror…”
We call it the “Mirror Comet”. Let me share its significance with you. As I mark another age today, it is the exact mirror of my wife’s age. A unique mathematical value that comes around every 11 years. And on this day, we harness the miracle effect in ways that’s unlike any other birthday. We count our blessings and celebrate them. We are also reminded of our vision and core values.
Another significance is that on the first discovery of this comet in 2010, I didn’t dare to claim Nigeria’s foremost logo designer. However, with the comet’s occurrence today, I am who I have become. And true to who I am, I can tell you that a #logo made to purpose serves similar significance as a visual reminder of the vision and core values of any business.
Today is the celebration of milestones that a few words cannot express. Happy Birthday To Me. The next Mirror Comet Day is in 2032. Cheers to Life!!