The Nigerian Celebrity, Rich Fame Balls, Slay Queens And The Logo They Use

Expensive jewelry, luxury cars, exotic locations, 5 or 7 star hotels, top of the range fashion, massive mansions, travels to places where “paradise” have been made on earth, exquisite dining, superlative eye-catching photography…indeed just about everything that makes the “good life” colors the status of a Nigerian Celebrity, Rich Fame Ball And Slay Queen. Somehow,…

OH NO! Not Banky W And His MDP Party Plagiarizing The Obama Logo.

Gently scrolling through my Instagram feed, eyes wide open, what do I see? You already know, my header said it. The iconic O Logo used for Obama’s ’08 presidential campaign is the work of Sol Sender. The Logo is a simple spherical form but is it actually simple? Time, thought, creative rigor and the so many behind-the-scene effort that isn’t known to…